January 5, 2014

Tonight's The Night!

I've watched a few episodes already...ssssshhhhhhh.
For all my friends in this winter storm-
cozy up and enjoy the Crawley clan this evening.
Downton Abbey Season 4 premieres tonight if you've been under a rock lately.
I'll have my cup of tea ready, will you?


  1. never watched it, but i do sort of live under a rock. :)

  2. I'm so far behind pop culture (but did succumb to Breaking Bad). This is on the list & enjoy!!

  3. I was just telling my husband last night that I don't know why I've never seen Downton Abbey, since I'm a diehard Merchant Ivory and Jane Austen fan. I know I'd love this. Luckily, I can catch up on Netflix and get in on Season 4! Tea cup is ready.

    Hope your holidays were wonderful T. Happy New Year! xox

  4. I've got my knitting needles and yarn on the coffee table, and the phone will be off the hook. Yes. We've still got a land line.

    Love the embroidered napkin you made, Tina!

    If you haven't visited Tracy lately, you won't want to miss her last post:


    You'll enjoy it!

  5. Can hardly wait!!!!!! Pip pip cheerio!

  6. I did watch and enjoyed the first hour, but then had to get up and let the hubs change the channel. I haven't kept up through the years, so I'm a little lost on the characters.

  7. I really should jump on the Downton train, but haven't yet and of course, fell asleep last night!

  8. You know.... I feel like everyone I know has moved to another planet since I've never watched one episode. At least I have heard of it, but I almost fell off my chair when oldest and wife said they are hooked.

  9. How did you watch a "few" episodes? Is it online somewhere?


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