February 7, 2015

Sweet Hearts

Simple clay hearts made on a rainy afternoon...
this is my kind of Valentine. 
My Christmas angel has yet to be boxed up and put away, but 
doesn't he make a wonderful accessory to my hearts?

 While tending to my sickly flu/pneumonia/flu again household,
I didn't have the energy to engage in much of anything, but rolling out my Crayola clay
and grabbing my heart shaped cookie cutters gave me an opportunity to relax for a bit.
It took a good 48 hours for them to dry completely, as I discovered 
while filing the rough edges with an emery board.

But I had some fun with them afterwards.

The sun came out and the winter rye grass made a perfect pillowy spot to capture their charm.

I covered one in Miss Mustard Seed's glass glitter
and it became the base of a stacked arrangement that I placed into an old clock
on some pale blue chenille scraps.
I placed it on top of a small iron urn as my ode to Valentine's Day.
No red hearts here.
I think that it's so sweet and simple and I love it.

The glittered heart is under the glass, while the other two rest on chenille strips on top.

I chose to leave my hearts plain, but there are a zillion ways you could embellish them.

How sweet is this one leaning on some rocks from the yard?

I love them just sitting around the house in random places.

Oh, and my absence?  No fun!  No trip!
No getting The Keeping Room open.
I ended up being a nurse/maid for a solid month and then some.
And then it was my turn to be sick.

Such is life, hmmm?
Sorry that I didn't get back to you on your comments and emails
but I know you understand.

I'm visiting as much as I can in between puppy naps.
I feel like we have newborn twins.
They had a visit with our vet today and are healthy and doing great.
They are NOT 12 weeks old, but they think 9-10.
They neutered them too early she thought, but that is shelter life.
They are healing fine.

They are so smart and learning their routines.
We gave them their last feeding at 11 last night, followed by
playtime inside and then outside.
Two tired puppies slept thru the night and used the potty pads!
Woo hoo!
Maybe it was Dog TV???

Make some sweet hearts for yourself this week.
I think mine saved my sanity. ;)

It's good to be back.

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  1. sorry for all the illness! glad the puppies are doing well. and your hearts are very sweet. :)

  2. Those hearts are just darling. I haven't played with clay in a long time. I used to work with Fimo a lot but it's been years now.
    So sorry you all have been sick. That's miserable! Hope you feel better soon! xo Diana

  3. Tina your hearts are just beautiful in their simpleness. Your pictures are gorgeous as always. The picture with the shadow of the fern frond just takes my breath away. I hope everyone in your house enjoys good health now and I'm sure the puppies lift everyone's hearts up a notch or two!

  4. There is nothing wrong with your heart, and give Charlie and Jack a snuggle for me.

  5. Such sweet, simple hearts beautifully styled. A kiss and a treat for Charlie and Jack. A funny story about the pee pads. Our Willie was trained by his foster mother to use one. He continued to be good at using it when we were away for any length of time. However after reading a section of the newspaper, Chucks likes to lay it down on the floor by the chair. You can guess what happened numerous times!

  6. The hearts are very sweet!

  7. Glad to hear you're feeling better, you're going to need all of your energy for those pups! The hearts look great, I love the walnut one:@)

  8. I need to get out my Sculpey clay and make some hearts. Yours are beautiful. I've been sick too. Not quite well yet, but better...I think. I'm reluctant to say that, because whatever I have has kinda come and gone and comeback, like it seems to have done at your house.

  9. Your art piece made from your hearts is wonderful, Tina! The rocks from your yard? I thought they were some kind of chocolate dessert!! I hope everybody is well on the road to recovery and your twins let you get some sleep. woof woof

    1. Haha! Vickie has chocolate on the brain even worse than I do!

  10. I'm sorry to hear sickness was visiting your house for so long, but glad that everyone is doing better now. Your hearts are just beautiful, and so are your photos. I love the hearts on the grass. Oh to feel warm grass on my feet again.

  11. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Hope you're over the weather now. ;) Puppies!!! Awww!!! Beautiful hearts and I love the angel. I'm kind of a cherub junkie. Happy Valentine's Day! xox

  12. Tina, you are truly an artist. The pictures are lovely. I'm happy that things are going well with the babies. Hope you all can stay healthy!

  13. Wide spread illness AND puppies? And you're already crafting beautiful things and blogging? Impressive!

  14. I love it that you put the heart in a clock case. So simple but so enchanting! So glad your yucky sick time is over! ~Ann

  15. Wow, Tina, what a time you have had. I really hope you are feeling much better now. The hearts are precious and I really like them plain also. I especially love your set up on the beautiful platter in the walnut shell. Such a clever girl!! I am going to go back to some posts that I must have missed as I don't know about your little doggies and I hope you have pics of them..Have a Happy Tuesday..Judy

  16. Nice blog. Your puppies are irresistable!!

  17. I love your white hearts! So very pretty Tina. Glad you are feeling better and enjoy those little ones. They sure do grow quickly.

  18. Oh they're just too precious for words Tina ! I keep saying I'm going to make some but never get around to it
    I especially loved seeing GRASS lol - we're in a deep freeze up here
    Happy snuggling with your babies

  19. adorable hearts, tina! so sorry for the illness, though:) my son just rescued a puppy from a shelter--they said he was neutered, he wasn't...and he had parvo! not a fun things to go through, but, he is all fixed now, literally and figuratively:) enjoy those babies and happy vday!

  20. Tina,your hearts are adorable, especially love the angel holding one and the one on top of the box that says me! So sorry your absence was not due to something "fun" but glad you're back! Your 2 babies seem to be doing well, progress is always rewarding! Hopefully everyone will be well and back to normal soon!

  21. glad everyone is better! the pups are in the best of hands. :) is the keeping room only online in etsy or your own website?
    I can feel the love in this post. :)

  22. have a sweet weekend friend!

  23. The hearts are beautiful. I especially love the one in the hydrangeas. I'm looking forward to more pics of your new babies. :)


  24. Pretty Pretty! Hope all is WELL now and enjoy the sweet puppies!

  25. Tina,
    Must of been my excitement in your clay hearts but I came back again just now for another visit of inspiration and saw I didn't leave a comment. I love the look and think how you scattered them throughout the house was a fun idea. Anyhow, my question - do you mind if I steal your brilliance and make crosses for Easter? White with an antique glaze. I have two cross cookie cutters I'm heading to Amazon to look for a
    few more.
    Us too being very ill... 6 weeks worth of feeling no energy. First flu followed by Bronchitis and a fall down a few steps caused by a coughing fit!
    This virus that hit so many families in January was a fierce one.
    Give Bruce a kiss for me and please show us more pics of the new puppies.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me your thoughts. I appreciate each and every one!